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Boost your dog's health with our natural probiotics for dogs—a perfect blend of probiotic powder treats for happy pups.An all natural creamy Probiotic drink for your dog.Ingredients: condensed cultured skim milk yogurt maize corn flour and flavours.We use only high quality human grade ingredients sourced within Australia in order to give your dog the best tasting probiotic drink!We use yogurt and cultured milk because it's recommended as part of healthy diet for dogs due to the live and active bacteria cultures. Both are a great source of calcium zinc probiotics and protein which can help alleviate issues such as gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea or other absorption issues and can aid in weight-loss by generating a longer lasting “full” feeling in your dog’s stomach.WHY CHOOSE PUPPICINOPowdered form - Just add water & shake well then serve- Because it'safe: contains no lactose and our recipe has been formulated by our very own pet nutritionist.- Superior quality: We only use high quality human grade ingredients sourced within Australia in order to give your cat the best tasting & safest probiotic drink!- Nutritional Value: Yogurt and cultured milk are a great source of calcium zinc probiotics and protein which can help boost your cat’s immune system as well as promoting healthier and more efficient digestion and freshen breath.- Long lasting: Unlike ready made products you can store for up to a year when sealed and use when needed.- Versatile: Can be sprinkled or mixed with food or even frozen!

Puppicino Regular Single Shot

Regular price $5.00
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Boost your dog's health with our natural probiotics for dogs—a perfect blend of probiotic powder treats for happy pups.An all natural creamy Probiotic drink for your dog.Ingredients: condensed cultured skim milk yogurt maize corn flour and flavours.We use only high quality human grade ingredients sourced within Australia in order to give your dog the best tasting probiotic drink!We use yogurt and cultured milk because it's recommended as part of healthy diet for dogs due to the live and active bacteria cultures. Both are a great source of calcium zinc probiotics and protein which can help alleviate issues such as gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea or other absorption issues and can aid in weight-loss by generating a longer lasting “full” feeling in your dog’s stomach.WHY CHOOSE PUPPICINOPowdered form - Just add water & shake well then serve- Because it'safe: contains no lactose and our recipe has been formulated by our very own pet nutritionist.- Superior quality: We only use high quality human grade ingredients sourced within Australia in order to give your cat the best tasting & safest probiotic drink!- Nutritional Value: Yogurt and cultured milk are a great source of calcium zinc probiotics and protein which can help boost your cat’s immune system as well as promoting healthier and more efficient digestion and freshen breath.- Long lasting: Unlike ready made products you can store for up to a year when sealed and use when needed.- Versatile: Can be sprinkled or mixed with food or even frozen!
Puppicino Regular Single Shot
Puppicino Regular Single Shot

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